Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Daniela Spiridon pled guilty to a real estate scheme

 Daniela Spiridon o femeie, din Missouri,  in varsta de 42 de ani a pledat vinovata pentru frauda cu proprietati imobiliare. Femeia risca pana la 20 de ani de inchisoare si penalitati de 250,000 de dolari. Aceasta a returnat autoritatilor banii si bunurile obtinute din activitatile ilicite.

Daniela Spiridon, 42, St. Charles, Missouri, pled guilty to a real estate scheme related to the purchase or sale of properties. According to court documents, Spiridon was affiliated with several businesses from an office in Chesterfield, Missouri, which included A&AD Investments LLC; CDRS ESC Investments; Sentrix Loan Production Office; and others. As part of the scheme, Spiridon fraudulently offered to assist buyers in the purchases of properties that were acquired by lenders through foreclosure and held in inventory, known as real estate owned (REO) properties. She offered to broker purchases or arrange for financing related to the purchase or sale of the REO properties. She had potential buyers place deposits on the properties, which she was to put into an escrow account, but she actually put the money in a non-escrow account in one of her own companies. She often used buyers’ funds for personal expenses and to reimburse other buyers who demanded their funds be returned rather than to secure real property or financing. Spiridon pled guilty to six felony counts of wire fraud before United States District Judge John A. Ross. Sentencing has been set for January 9, 2014. Each count of wire fraud carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and/or fines up to $250,000. In determining the actual sentences, a judge is required to consider the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines, which provide recommended sentencing ranges. Restitution is mandatory. Additionally, with her plea, Spiridon has agreed to the forfeiture of money and property derived from the illegal activity. This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Postal Inspection Service, and Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector General. Assistant United States Attorney Rob Livergood is handling the case for the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Ten indicted for allegedly participating in a scheme

Ten defendants, including five licensed loan originators, were indicted for allegedly participating in a scheme to fraudulently obtain approximately 52 residential mortgage loans totaling at least $14.5 million from various lenders. The Indictment alleges that the mortgages were obtained to finance the purchase of various properties, primarily on the west and south sides of Chicago, Illinois, by straw buyers who were fraudulently qualified for loans while the defendants allegedly profited. As a result, various lenders and their successors incurred losses of at least $8 million because the mortgages were not fully recovered through subsequent sale or foreclosure. An 11th defendant who worked as a closing agent for a title company in suburban Westchester was indicted separately as part of the same investigation.

Six individuals agreed to pay civil penalties for fraud they comited

Six individuals, including three mortgage brokers and a real estate agent, have agreed to pay civil penalties ranging from $5,000 to $85,000 to the United States to resolve civil fraud allegations stemming from false statements they made on mortgage loan applications. The defendants include: Kyle Frey, Adam Goulet, Roger Sterling Moore, William S. Nunemaker, Tyler P. Nunemaker and Daniel Brewton. Each have also agreed to pay to the United States any profits from the sale of the real estate properties they purchased with those loans. The civil complaints filed against the defendants pursuant to the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act, (“FIRREA”), allege that beginning in or about 2005 to in or about 2008, the defendants obtained mortgage loans from various financial institutions and purchased real estate properties as speculative investments in Charlotte’s Dilworth neighborhood. A federal investigation revealed that the loan applications the defendants submitted contained false statements.

John Allen sentenced to one year in custody

John Allen, Laguna Hills, California, a mortgage loan processor based in was sentenced to one year in custody by U.S. District Court Judge John A. Houston for his participation in an investment and mortgage loan fraud scheme that generated nearly $15 million in kickbacks. Allen worked with Mary Armstrong, a self-described but unlicensed mortgage broker, and several other co-conspirators to steal money from real estate purchase transactions. Armstrong recruited “investors” through advertisements in the Los Angeles Times, Monster.com, and elsewhere, and offered them the opportunity to purchase homes using their good credit with no money down. In reality, these so-called investors were nothing more than straw buyers who were promised $10,000 for each property purchased as part of the scheme.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Jinduirea familiei pastorului Florin Cimpean din Chicago duce la incapacitate de plata

Update: Pastorul Cimpean afirma ca proprietatea din Elmwood Park n-ar fi a lui si ca e doar coincidenta de nume....inseamna ca i-a fost pusa gresit in "dosar" de cei de la administratia statala!

"1. Noi nu am detinut niciodata o proprietate la adresa 2330 N. Harlem, Elmowood Park. Daca intr-adevar, apare o proprietate cu numele "florin cimpean",  este o simpla coincidenta de nume. Probabil ca intr-o populatie de 100,000 de romani in Chicago mai sunt si alte persoane cu acelasi nume. Informatia pe care o distribuiti este absolut eronata.
2. Pana in prezent, nu am fost in "foreclosure" sau incapacitate de plata cu nici o proprietate in 20 de ani in America. Asta nu inseamna ca nu se poate intampla oricui. Este un drept legal al fiecarei persoane. In legatura cu proprietatea de pe Dearborn, nu a fost incapacitate de plata pentru ca este o proprietate atat de ieftina ca nu a avut niciodata imprumut.  Nu-mi este clar la ce va referiti, probabil ca este o disputa cu taxele pe care am avut-o cu city.

3. In plus, luati diferite rezidente pe care le-am avut in timp de 12 ani in Chicago si le prezentati intr-o lumina dubioasa:
Yeah, locuim la 6218 N. Lenox din 2007 (doar ati publicat datoria de $411,000 pe care o avem), iar 6246 este locul unde am locuit de cand ne-am mutat in Chicago pana in 2007. Luati "a couple of" proprietati pe care le-am avut acum 7-8 ani si le prezentati dubios.
4. In afara de comunisti, nu mai stiu pe nimeni sa afirme ca a investi intr-o proprietate este ceva rau sau nebiblic sau necrestinesc. In 20 de ani de America am facut mici investitii in real estate si probabil cand o sa avem oportunitatea o sa mai investim si in viitor. In plus, toata viata am muncit din greu." zice fratele Cimpean.

Fratele nostru, pastorul Florin Cimpean si sotia sa Michelle,  de la biserica romaneasca Philadelphia din Chicago si-au adunat comori pamantesti de milioane de dolari prin zona metropolei americane. Cupiditatea lor, de a achizitiona aceste comori lumesti, i-a dus insa in incapacitatea de a mai putea plati tribut "Cezarului". Doua dintre "odai" au intrat in procedura de lichidare silita (foreclosure) de catre banci, datorita faptului ca fratele si sora Cimpean nu si-au mai respectat obligatiile contractuale ale imprumutului. Adica DA-ul lor (semnatura lor pe contract/mortgage ca vor plati imprumutul) a devenit un NU. Foarte biblic frate draga! 
In ciuda faptului ca fratele Florin Cimpean era in incapacitate de plata in 2009 adica in procedura de "foreclosure" cu proprietatea de la 2330 N Harlem Ave, Elmwood Park  in 2010 pe 16 februarie sora Michelle cumpara  pe numele ei proprietatea de la adresa 2020 N Lamon Ave, Chicago, contractand de la BG Acquisitions un imprumut de 144,375 de dolari.

Ce frumos ne invata de la amvon dumninica de duminica. 
Teoria ca teoria, dar practica ne omoara.

 Odaile cu pricina, sunt de la adresele:

5430 S Dearborn St. Chicago si
2330 N  Harlem Ave Elmwood  Park
Daca sacerdotul isi permite sa adune atatea comori si apoi  nu mai poata sa le plateasca, nu ne mai miram daca nici oile din turma lui nu's mai prejos. 
Acum cateva luni sora Michelle , care mai are o afacere pe eBay cu vanzari de cateva zeci de mii de dolari lunar,  a fost prinsa cu matza-n sac...., arestata adica de politie si acuzata de furt dintr-un magazin de lux. Noroc ca a fost ajutata de avocati, pe care a cheltuit probablil $$ buni ce  prindeau bine la ratele la case, si-a scapat asa doar cu un curs de indreptare si reeducare.
Interesant e ca nu de mult, cand a fost intrebat cate proprietati are, a dat-o cotita, facandu-se ca ploua, si ca nu are mare lucru... Lista cu celelalte proprietati ale fam.Cimpean sunt la adresele:

4911 West  Kirk St. Skokie
6218 N Lenox Ave Chicago  
6246 N Lenox Ave Chicago  
2020 22 North Lamon Ave, Chicago  
6335 Greenleaf, Chicago 
Fratele Florin, i-a dat se pare la sora Michelle mana libera in a detine de una singura titlurile de proprietate pe majoritatea investitiilor, el fiind titular doar la o parte din ele.
