"No man is above the law and no man is below it: nor do we ask any man's permission when we ask him to obey it." T.R.
Representing the voice of little people.
(foto: Apartamente de pe 34 S Ashland Ave, Chicago)
Marele "afacerist" Adrian Tarau nu a tras tepe doar inRomaniaci si in America!
In martie 2010, autoritatile din Chicago au pus sechestru pe doua apartamente ale lui Adrian Tarau de la adresa 34 S Ashland Ave, Chicago deoarece pe numele lui era data o sentinta judecatoreasca in care acesta datora suma de 881,330 de dolari. Tot legat de aceste doua apartamente mai are doua sentinte de peste 3 mii de dolari fiecare.
(foto: Datoria lui Tarau)
(foto: Vila de pe S. Keneth Ave. Skokie)
Proprietatea de la adresa 7755 Keneth Ave Skokie, IL are un imprumut de peste 2 milioane de dolari la banca First Midwest Bank pe care i-a luat in 2006. In prezent proprietatea fiind in "forclosure" adica procedura de recuperare silita, de catre banca la care datoreaza cele peste 2 milioane de dolari.
(foto: Datoriile la banca)
Tot la aceasta proprietate Tarau a uitat sa isi plateasca usile si ferestrele cumparate de la compania DARPET Inc. din Arlington Heights, o suburbie a orasului Chicag. Aceasta a ramas pagubita de peste 5 mii de dolari. Compania i-a dat insa in judecata si a obtinut o sentinta prin care proprietatea nu poate fi vanduta/instrainata pana cand datoria de peste 5 mii va fi recuperata.(foto: Datorii neplatite furnizorilor)
O alta persoana care a ramas fara sa isi primeasca banii munciti la casa lui Tarau este Micles Sorin Paul, Tarau datorandu-i suma de 82,500 de dolari.
A foreclosure in Florida begins when a lender files court action and records a notice of a pending lawsuit (Lis Pendens) against the borrower. The lender notifies the borrower and any other affected parties in person or in some cases by mail or publication. If the borrower does not respond to the court action within a specified amount of time, the county clerk can find the borrower in default and the lender can ask the court to make a final ruling. If the court rules against the borrower, the ruling will include the total amount owed to the lender and the foreclosure sale date.
The lender is not required by state law to notify the borrower before initiating the foreclosure process, but individual mortgages or deeds of trust might call for this. The borrower can stop the foreclosure up until the date of the sale by paying the total amount owed to the lender.
Notice of Sale / Auction
The sale date is typically 20-35 days after the court ruling, but this may vary depending on the individual court. The clerk of court issues a notice of sale containing the location, date, and time of the sale. The notice is published once a week for two weeks, with the second notice appearing at least five days before the sale.
The clerk usually oversees the sale, which ordinarily occurs at the county courthouse at 11:00 a.m. on the sale date. The winning bidder must provide a 5-percent deposit and pay the remaining balance by the end of the day or a new sale is scheduled a minimum of 20 days later. After a successful sale, the clerk gives a certificate of sale to the winning bidder
Within 10 days of the sale, the clerk transfers ownership to the winning bidder if no one disputes the sale. In most instances, a borrower has no right of redemption after the certificate of sale is issued.
If you're at risk of having your home foreclosed on, you should read our section on foreclosure help. You might still be able to stop foreclosure.
A foreclosure in Illinois is judicial, meaning that it is administered through the courts. A judgment of foreclosure can be obtained in as little as 90 days assuming service on all defendants at the first issuance of summons and assuming no opposition from any defendant. Due to the 90-day reinstatement period from the date of service, a judgment cannot be entered prior to that time. Due to the statutory redemption periods, a sale may not occur for anywhere from one to three months after the judgment of foreclosure is entered. The court may also extend the redemption period in certain cases.
Pre-foreclosure Process Before a lender forecloses a borrower’s Note and Mortgage, a title search should be conducted. Any liens that appear senior to the lender’s lien should be addressed prior to foreclosure, or the purchaser at the sale will take the property subject to the senior lien. All junior lien holders must be named as defendants in the lender’s foreclosure suit to ensure title is free and clear of liens at the time of the foreclosure sale.
Court Process Upon a borrower’s default, a lender can file a Complaint to Foreclose Mortgage with the court. The Complaint is then served on the borrower and any other named defendants. If a defendant cannot be found, Illinois law allows for service by publication. Once service is obtained, a defendant has 30 days to file an Answer with the court. If the defendants fail to file an Answer, the court will enter an order of default if requested. If the borrower or other lien holder files an Answer contesting the foreclosure, parties can litigate the matter and possibly go to trial.
Once judgment is entered in favor of the lender, the borrower has a statutory 90-day redemption period before a sale can take place. The court can shorten this to a 30-day redemption period, if the property is abandoned. The court also has the authority to extend the redemption period.
Sheriff’s Sale The sale date must be after the expiration of the applicable redemption period. A Notice of Sheriff's Sale is published in a local newspaper in the county where the property is located once a week for three weeks. Not less than seven days after the final notice of sale is published, a Sheriff’s Sale is held. The lender provides the opening bid which is usually the full amount owed to the lender by the borrower. The person with the highest bid at the sale receives a Certificate of Purchase.
Following the sale, the Sheriff or selling officer must make a Report of Sale within 10 days. A Motion to Confirm Sale must then be filed and the sale confirmed by the court. Following confirmation, the Sheriff’s Deed is issued.
Faptul ca unii sunt asa zisi pastori sau propovaduitori ale celor sfinte, invatand si predicand pe oamenii din toata lumea cum sa traiasca piosi , smeriti, sa dea bani la biserica etc., asta nu ii impedica pe ei insasi sa fie total opusul a celor ce predica, ducand o viata de huzur si tragand tepe. Un astfel de individ este este Stefan TOHATAN alias Fanel, Stephan. Acesta este casatorit cu Lidia TOHATAN si este originar din Salsig, Maramures. Este pastor penticostal, predicator, dr. evanghelist, membru al bisericii penticostale romanesti Elim Chicago. Acesta este un pastor misionar nomad care circul mult prin America, Romania si alte comunitati romanesti din Europa. Acest "lup in balana de oaie", are diferite afaceri pe care le deruleaza prin SUA si Romania, tragand tepele la banci in America prin neplata imprumuturiloe luate pentru proprietati, cat si datoriile acumulate catre diferite firme si cartile de credit, care la fel nu le-a platit, asta in timp ce el si familia duce o viata pe picior mare conducand masini de lux, calatorind si propovaduind la altii sa duca o viata evlavioasa. Pe de alta parte este autorul moral al unor casatorii fictive pentru a-si aduce rudele in America. In plus a exportat containere de echipamente de constructii din America in Romania, cu o organizatie crestina misionara, sub pretextul de "ajutoare umanitare" evitand astfel plata taxelor vamale. Afacerile le desfasoara in zona Salsig si imprejurimi, derulate impreuna cu fratele sau Nicolae Tohatan si alte rude apropiate.
Imigrant, predicator, investitor, sau tepar?!
Stefan Tohatan a calatorit frecvent prin Europa in anii '90 si intr-un final a reusit sa emigreze in Canada. Visul lui era insa America asa ca a reusit printr-o viza de asa zis "investitor" sa obtina pe la inceputul anilor 2000 rezidenta Americana. Tohatan are o firma de constructii/remodelari numita American Prestige.In prezent detine 4 proprietati, care datorita neplatii la ele, acestea sunt in procedura de lichidare/reposedare de catre banci adica pe americaneste foreclosure.Valoarea lor se ridica la cateva milioane de dolari.(foto: Vila de la adresa 2101 S Mecham Rd, Palatine)
Prima proprietate este la adresa 4446 Estes Ave .Lincolnwod o suburbie nordica a orasului Chicago, o zona foarte scumpa locuita de oameni cu situatie financiara foarte buna. La aceasta adresa figureaza ca si inregistrata si compania American Prestige. Celelalte proprietati sunt dupa cum urmeaza la adresele: 6857 N. Knox Ave, Linconwood; 5306 S Indiana Ave, Chicago; 2101 S. Meacham Rd.,Palatine. Toate sunt in zona sau imprejurimile orasului Chicago.(foto: Vila de la adresa 4446 Estes Ave. Lincolnwod) (foto: Vila de pe strada Knox Ave)
In fotografiile atasatese pot vedea datoriile imprumutului pentru proprietatea de la adresa 4446 Estes Ave. din suburbia Lincolnwod, de peste 900 de mii de dolari. Apoi alta de peste 700 de mii la cealalta proprietate din Lincolnwood. O alta datorie de peste 80 de mii de dolari este o sentinta judecatoreasca definitiva pe numele lui data in toamna anului trecut.(foto: peste 81,000 de dolari neplatiti la Amcore Bank)
Lista datoriilor continua cu procesele care le are cu cartile de credit: la Chase Bank peste 15 mii de dolari, alta de peste 9 mii. (foto: 15,775 de dolari neplatiti la banca Chase)
Alte datorii neplatite si procese cu companii carora nu le-a paltit munca prestata: peste 5 mii de dolari la compania Crafty Beaver Home; peste 20 de mii la compania Imperial Realty.
(foto: 21,406 de dolari neplatiti )
In prezent Tohatan se afla mai mult plecat in "misiunii" de predicare prin Romania, in felul asta evita sa dea fata la proces cu autoritatile sau pagubitii. Daca judecatorul trimite o citatie pentru a se prezenta la o infatisare in oricare din cazuri, politia/seriful vine si i-o inmaneaza personal. Daca nu-l gaseste, procesul se tot amana, in acest fel tragand de timp.